The vision

Learn more about the vision and core values
of Overcomers Mission Schools.

Our core values


The testimony with a high cost, led by the Holy Spirit, brings spiritual breakthroughs

Faith and boldness

When faced with opposition and persecution, respond with increased faith and boldness.  

God given connections

Search for God given connections, the man of peace in a community, that will open up the community to the gospel.

The altar

Receive assignments and instructions of the Holy Spirit from the altar of extended prayer, fasting, and worship.


If you are wholehearted, with a heart that has been purified of fear, ambition, and the love of money by the fire of God, you become unstoppable.

The vision of OMS

Our vision is to develop a worldwide network of missionaries, training schools and churches that will take part in the final harvest, discipling the nations.

The beginnings of UMS

The history and vision of Ukunda Missions School

In the year 1989, Vaughn Martin was ministering in Ukunda on the coast of Kenya. One night the Lord spoke to Vaughn and told him to purchase a piece of land at Ukunda. The Lord told Vaughn that one day Kenya would send many missionaries into the nations of the earth and that a missionary training center would be built upon that piece of land. So the land was bought, and many years passed.

In 2012 the Lord confirmed the vision once again and instructed Vaughn to begin the school. Ukunda Missions School opened in September 2013. Kenyan missionaries specializing in Muslim evangelism are now being trained and sent from the school.

Discover our schools

Worldwide network

Season of expansion

OMS is producing fruit in East Africa. We are seeing hundreds of Muslims turning to the Lord. The missionaries sent out by OMS are experiencing breakthroughs in many Muslim communities in the coastal region of Kenya and Tanzania.

We are in a season of expansion! Doors are opening in many different nations. A worldwide network of missionary training schools is beginning to form where missionaries are trained in the Gospel and sent from many countries, including Paraguay, Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Belgium.

Revelation 12:11

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.