Schools & Missions

Discover our missionary training schools
in Paraguay, Kenya and Tanzania.

About our schools

Overcomers Mission Schools provide intensive, hands on training for missionaries who are being sent into unreached communities around the world. In this training, students learn to hear and obey the voice of the Lord of the Harvest who empowers, equips, transforms, and sends them.

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True worship

The altar of God

In each of our missionary training schools, there is a central emphasis on true worship. In our schools, students learn to worship before the throne of God, as they give themselves as living sacrifices to Him. Students lay down their plans, their lives, and their ambitions before God as they seek His will instead of their own.

As student’s lay everything upon the altar of God, the fire of God burns in their hearts. They become consumed with a desire to know God and to obey him, whatever it might cost.

Spiritual breakthrough in students’ lives

In our schools, we desire to see spiritual breakthroughs in the lives of our students. We work to see men and women of God raised up who clearly hear the voice of God and do his will. Our teachers are skilled in discerning the callings and gifts that are on our students’ lives, so that they can help them to walk out their calling.

Practical, hands on missionary training

In our schools, we want our students to be able to put into practice the things that they are taught in the classroom. Students who pass through our nine-month training course will spend much time evangelizing and discipling new believers. By the time a student graduates from one of our schools, he is experienced in different types of ministry.

Teachers that produce good fruit

A good tree produces good fruit. Teachers at OMS are good trees who have produced good fruit in their lives and ministries, and they will produce good fruit in the lives of OMS students. In our schools, we don’t choose teachers by the degrees that they hold. We look for teachers who are highly effective in ministry, teachers who can demonstrate the things that they are teaching.

The mission field

Student expectations after missionary training

Katana Baya, the director of ALMA and UMS, shares in this video what is expected from students after they complete the missionary training course. Our missionaries are expected to connect to the communities in the mission field, so that they can minister to them in their context. After people have an encounter with Christ, missionaries have the responsibility to baptize, teach and start a process of discipleship so that a multiplication of disciples can take place.


Subjects at our schools

Here are a few topics that are taught during our missionary training programs.

Foundational Christian doctrines

The gifts of the Holy Spirit

Small group discipleship

Cross cultural ministry

Keys to true conversion

Spiritual warfare

Workplace evangelism